
Goal Update (11.06.10)

  • Explore sewing - My first project was Rag Tag Quilt for my friend's little boy...who will be making his appearance in about a week! I also made valances for his nursery, which I just finished this week. (I will post pictures in another post). They both turned out pretty good, although I definitely need to work on sewing straight! And so, I have decided that I really enjoy sewing, so I am getting my own sewing machine for Christmas! I am so excited to use a newer machine! I have a lot of projects in mind for the house, the kids, gifts, etc...!
  • Get out of debt - Almost there...possible by the end of 2010!! 
  • Lose weight - I have thought about getting a treadmill. Does that count as a start??  lol.
  • Organize my recipes - All I have managed to do on this front is collect more recipes for the pile. Still not even close to being organized yet. 
  • Potty train The Boy ...
  • Read 1 book a month - I already failed this goal, but I may still manage to read an average of 1 book a month. I joined a book club, and I have read 1 book for the so far. I hope to read a few books over the holidays, so that will catch me up. I may do a couple of reviews of books I read. We'll see...
  • Run a 5K - A friend and I talked about running the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning, but at this point, that is SO NOT going to happen. I still have a ways to go here...
  • Sing in front of a crowd - I attempted to sing in a Praise Choir at church a few weeks ago. I even went to the practice, but when Sunday morning came, it did not happen. I realized that the timing was just not right. We only have one car, so that would be very complicated to try to get me there an hour before church starts every Sunday for choir. And since I am still nursing The Girl, that made the timing even more complicated.  However, I met a lady at that choir practice who recently asked me if I would be interested in singing with an ensemble in the Christmas program. Since the rehearsals are minimal and all in the evenings, I said "SURE!" So, this goal will be officially met on December 13, 14 and 15!


  1. What about the "Visit Iowa once a month" goal... didn't see that one on there?

  2. Yeah, I agree with Liz, I didn't see that one either. :)

  3. Potty training - eh. :) We're not there either, and Z will be three in less than a month. I've been encouraged by people who said their boys were almost 4 before they potty trained. Z is just stubborn. :) Anyway...sounds like you're coming really well on a lot of your goals! :)
