
A Story about Facial Hair (09.23.2010)

Today was a first. My first encounter with eyebrow threading. After only a little physical discomfort, my previously overgrown eyebrows are much more...managed. I like managed. And my skin was not red and puffy afterward like it gets with waxing. I do not like red and puffy. So, the end result is a definite A. However, the overall experience falls into the Needs Improvement category...

First off, I must tell you that I went into the salon pretty much straight from the shower. I ran a brush and my fingers through the wet strands, and then ran out the door. Second, I should tell you that I have not cut my hair since late March because I am trying to grow it out. It needs a trim. Bad. Plus, recent pregnancy/nursing hormones have ruined changed the texture of my hair so that if it is not blown dry, it is not a pretty sight. Seriously. Not pretty. Anyway...  You should also know that it has been more than 3 years since I have waxed my eyebrows. I have plucked them in that time, but not very often, and not very well.

Ok, so knowing all of this about myself, I was slightly self-conscious going into have my eyebrows done at this new place. It has been my experience that people who work in salons tend to think that every woman on the planet pays someone to manage her facial hair on a regular basis. (I don't think that is actually the case, but I don't know...I very well could be the only one who does not.) So, of course, the salon guy who did my eyebrows today was one of those. Not only did he have that attitude, but he also had this thick European accent to go with it, which multiplied the level of snooty by like a thousand. I only went in for my brows, but I was scolded for the condition of my hair, which, I will admit, is not great. BUT, the face he made as he pulled at it was not really necessary. It said, "Your hair disgusts me." And I believed it. So, when it was time to take a look at my eyebrows, he basically said they looked horrible and that it is going to take a lot of time and work to get them to look normal. I didn't think they were that bad. Oh, but here's the kicker! As I was paying for the service (at the front counter), he says to me, "We really need to clean up your upper lip too."  Um...thanks? I covered my apparently very hairy lip with my hand and said, "Well, that's embarrassing." And it was.

OK. So...I know I have hair on my upper lip, but it's not like it is a mustache or something. Don't most people have hair on their faces? Aren't we mammals? When he said that, I thought, Did he really just say that out loud? He did. And of course the girl at the front desk looked as if she has never had one single hair on her entire face ever in her whole life. And she just gave me this look that was a mix of pity and disgust, as if I had a disease or something. It was just weird. And a little offensive.

Needless to say, my brows do look MUCH better, and the process really wasn't very physically painful. Tonight, I watched a video on YouTube about how to thread my eyebrows myself, so I might try it next time rather than subjecting myself and my facial hair to that sort of mockery. I will let you know how it goes.


Goal: Explore Sewing (09.21.2010)

A couple of months ago, I purchased fabric to make valances for my kitchen windows. I bought the fabric with the hopes that it would give me the push I needed into the world of simple sewing. But since I neither owned a sewing machine nor had the know-how to use one, my mother-in-law brought one with her when she came out to visit in August. She taught me how to use the nearly-antique little machine, and then she left it here for me to borrow for a while. I honestly have not used it since she left, but I really want to!

One of my goals for this next year is to "Explore Sewing". I have several friends who are very crafty and make the ca-U-test blankets, clothes, baby clothes/accessories, etc. I want to be crafty too! Plus, I want to be able to hem or mend things if when the need arises.

So, I am planning to make a few things using this borrowed machine to see if I want to purchase my own. Tonight, I went to Joanne Fabrics to get some...fabric. I have a couple of projects in mind, and I really want to get started. However, walking into that place this evening was like walking into a huge room filled with....lots and lots of fabric. I have been in that store on a number of occasions, but never to buy fabric for my own project. I walked up and down the aisles unsure of how much fabric I needed, what colors/patterns I wanted, or even the type of fabric I wanted/needed. I tried to call one of my friends for help while I was standing in the middle of the quilting fabric section, but she didn't answer. So, since I really had no idea what I was doing, I left. Overwhelmed. And with nothing.

As I was driving home, my friend called back and was able to answer the questions I had related to one of the projects. I think I am going to try again tomorrow now that I have a little more direction. Or maybe I will try to go on a day when I don't have to take kids. But, one of my projects has a deadline quickly approaching, so I better not wait too long.

I will post pictures of completed projects, and even some during the process. My hope is that I will actually use the machine and not just want to, now that my goal is declared into cyber-space. Wish me luck!


Lessons on Parenting (09.18.2010)

Our Sunday School class recently started a series on parenting. So far, it has been fabulous! The format is such that, each week, seasoned parents within the church come to class to answer questions/discuss topics that were submitted by the members of our class several months ago. They are there to tell us what practical methods worked and didn't work for them, to encourage us, and to point us to God's Word which is "useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). 

This morning's session was especially helpful and encouraging to me. After a great sermon out of Ephesians 2, we went to class with the challenge to be a showcase of God's grace in every aspect of our lives. Every aspect. Including parenting! Fittingly, the topic today was about showing God to our children through the everyday things in our lives. The couple that shared with us had some great ideas for making God and His Word the focus of every day - even in the mundane. It was both very encouraging and very challenging for me. One thing that I really took away was their approach to discipline. They wanted to make sure they disciplined with God's Word instead of with their own, so they made a chart with the biblical reasons behind the behaviors/attitudes that were not allowed in their home. Here it is:


Happy Birthday to Me! (09.14.2010)

Today is my birthday. At 28 years of age, I am officially in my "late twenties". And you know what? That is fine. by. me.  I have learned a lot in the last year about how I want to live my life...and how I don't want to live it.  So, by God's grace, I think my 29th year is going to be the best one yet!

The Day:
My birthday morning started off great. The Husband brought me breakfast in bed...eggs, toast with jam, and a big cup of coffee. Yum. Then, he brought me 6 wrapped packages of different shapes, along with a card. I opened the first 5 packages to find a dress and 4 shirts, all of which he had picked out himself, and all of which FIT! That is a feat in itself, but even better...they were all super cute. The card was filled all sorts of loveydovey-ness, so it was wonderful to sentimental me. And the 6th package? Chocolate. And now the morning is perfect.

The rest of the day was filled with phone calls and texts, like a bazillion birthday greetings on Facebook, coffee with good friends, dinner with my beautiful family, ice cream, and a flat tire. Yep. A flat tire. Happy Birthday to Me! Thankfully, The Husband was working pretty close by, so he was able to get the spare on for me in no time at all. The Yellow Submarine (the car) is getting new tires tomorrow. It needs them...bad. I am sure there will be a subsequent post or two about The Yellow Submarine, so stay tuned.

All in all, this was the best birthday I have had in a while. And I think that gives credence to my prediction that this is going to be a great year.  We shall see together!